Foreign national executives or managers being transferred to the U.S. to manage an organization or a major function or division of an organization
Foreign national executives or managers being transferred to the U.S. to set up a new office, branch, affiliate or joint venture company
Foreign national managers being transferred to the U.S. to supervise work of other supervisory, professional or managerial employees, or who manages an essential function, department or subdivision
Specialized Knowledge employees of companies outside U.S. that have related U.S. branches, subsidiaries, affiliates or joint venture partners
Employees and partners of international accounting firms
Multinational companies transferring foreign national executives to manage an organization or a major function or division of an organization in the U.S.
The petitioning U.S. entity must have a qualifying relationship with entity abroad.
Sufficient physical space must be secured for a new office.
A new office must be active and operating within one year after the L-1’s admission to the United States if requesting an extension of stay.
After 1 year the new office must support a managerial or executive position if you are requesting an extension of stay in the L-1A classification.
There is no numeric limitations on how many L1 visas are issued in any given year.
Maximum of up to 7 years
However, executives and managers can apply for a Green Card.
Can be joined by family, spouse can work by obtaining employment authorization
Foreign professionals in specialty occupations, such as scientists, engineers, programmers, research analysts, management consultants, journalists, accountants, and others with Bachelor’s or equivalent degree,
Professional Nurses entering the U.S. to perform complex job duties or supervise nursing operations
Distinguished fashion models
Foreign nationals entering the U.S. to offer exceptional services relating to cooperative research and development projects administered by the U.S. Department of Defence
There must be an employer-employee relationship with the petitioning U.S. employer.
The job must qualify as a specialty occupation
The job must be in a specialty occupation related to beneficiary’s field of study.
Beneficiary’s must be paid at least the actual or prevailing wage for the occupation
An H-1B visa number must be available at the time of filing the petition, unless the petition is exempt from numerical limits.
Petitions are place in a lottery system
Maximum of up to 6 years- though extension may be possible
Can be joined by family, spouse can work by obtaining employment authorization